Coconut oil( Natural)

Coconut oil (HUMAN HAIR GROWTH OIL) provides anti bacteria and act against to fungi in whole head through natural way. coconut oil gives moisture and increasing glow hair because prevent hair fall. According research, The coconut oil is best immunity.

Almond oil

Vitamin E contains rich in almond oil. The oil keeps moisture and increase glow to hair. Almond oil applies to whole hair for control dandruff. The oil reduces hair fall as well as increasing hair growing. HUMAN HAIR GROWTH OIL

Olive oil

Vitamin E contains rich in olive oil. The vitamin gives main nutrition to grow hair. Olive oil contains lot of fat acids these good for cool head as well as inspiration on head. If apply the oil to hair, the oil encourages hair growing and increasing glow by penetrate until hair root. the keeps moisture whole hair. HUMAN HAIR GROWTH OIL

Castro oil

Castro oil provides awesome to hair. The oil contains hormone to against hair fall. The Castro oil keeps beautiful hair as well as prevent fall. Thus the oil gives increasing hair growing because BGD 2 hormone available. HUMAN HAIR GROWTH OIL

Sesame oil

Sesame oil uses most in Ayurveda medicines because the oil acts immunity. If apply light hot sesame oil on the scalp, the oil will control dandruff. The oil encourages hair growth. HUMAN HAIR GROWTH OIL

😊If apply oil, don’t pour oil directly. You have to soak fingers into oil after that apply that fingers smoothly to on scalp.

😊Press on scalp 15 to 20 minutes for good blood circulation by fingers. If do the massage on scalp, prevent hair fall.

😊Cotton uses for remove Excess oil on scalp, cotton does smooth than fingers.

😊You have to strip complex hair before apply oil massage, otherwise hair fall quickly.

😊If hair falling. You have to know need to oil massage on scalp.


😊Don’t often use shampoo because shampoo contains harm chemicals sometimes that remove natural oily on scalp. If remove natural oily on scalp, hair falling increase.

😊If you apply oil before shower, you have to wait until 30 minutes for shower because need time for absorb mineral to hair.

😋You have to know most effective about oil massage on scalp cause prevent hair losses. You have to follow right way. HUMAN HAIR GROWTH OIL

